Gay men naked in water

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The most popular gay beach in Fort Lauderdale is across the street from the Ritz-Carlton and within blocks of some of the city’s gay resorts and guesthouses. Along South Roosevelt Boulevard.īest times to visit: In March for the Winter Party Festival September for Womenfest October for Bear Fest or June for Key West Pride. The beach’s shallow waters are only a short distance from the bars, restaurants and shops of Duval Street. Smathers Beach, Key WestĪt 2½ miles long, Smathers is big compared to other beaches on this tiny island of Key West, one of the nation’s top destinations for gay travelers.

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Info: Miami Beach LGBTQ Visitor Center 2. I t's located at 12th Street and Ocean Drive.īest time to visit: In March, when the Winter Party, the biggest gay beach party in North America, takes place. It’s across the street from the Palace Restaurant & Bar, a gay hangout that has been welcoming sunbathers for the past 25 years. The most popular gay beach in Miami is mostly a hangout for men, but you’ll also find lesbians and straights soaking up the sun with locals. Just look for the rainbow flags flying amid the rental chairs and lifeguard stations.

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South Beach’s 12 th Street Beach, Miami Beach Pete Beach and Sarasota, here are some of best gay beaches in Florida. Out in the Sun: Florida’s Top 10 Gay Beachesįrom gay Florida party destinations such as Miami, Key West and Fort Lauderdale to mellow, secluded spots in St.

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